Test the NFS server


nxc build -f g5k-nfs-store


Reserving the resources

export $(oarsub -l nodes=2,walltime=1:0:0 "$(nxc helper g5k_script) 1h" | grep OAR_JOB_ID)

Getting the machine file

oarstat -u -J | jq --raw-output 'to_entries | .[0].value.assigned_network_address | .[]' > machines

Starting the nodes

nxc start -m machines


nxc connect

You should now have a tmux session with 2 panes: one for the server and one for the node.

Testing the NFS server

Go on the node and change directory to the mounted NFS:

cd /data

A quick ls shows that this is empty.

Create a file in it:

touch nfs_works

Now go on the server node and check the directory of the NFS server.

ls /srv/shared

If the nfs_works file exists, everything worked fine!