Introduce variations

For the moment, we only have a single value for the parameter. But we want to have variation. In the current situation, we have a NFS server with 8 processes managing the requests. We want to see how this number of processes influences the performances of the IOR benchmark. We will create two variants:

  • fast: with more processes for the NFS server (let us say 32)
  • slow: with fewer processes (let us say 2)

We can add the variants in the setup.toml file as follows:

# setup.toml



# to select this variant use:
# nxc build --setup slow

# to select this variant use:
# nxc build --setup fast

When we build the composition we can pick the variant as:

nxc build --setup fast
# or
nxc build -s slow

If there is no --setup or -s flag, NixOS Compose will take the default values of the parameters.