Add a builder on Grid'5000

If you are doing this tutorial with a member of the NixOS Compose team, there is probably a builder machine on Grid'5000 to accelerate the builds. Using it requires a bit a configuration.

Ask for the <BUILDER> address. It should look like dahu-30.

Add your ssh key

You need to get access to the builder machine through ssh. To do this we will copy your ssh key to the builder.

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ root@<BUILDER>

The password is nixos.

You should be able to log to the <BUILDER> via ssh root@<BUILDER>.

Copy the Nix Config

We need to tell Nix where to find this builder and how to use it. The configuration file should be under ~/.config/nix/nix.conf.

# ~/.config/nix/nix.conf
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
builders = ssh://root@<BUILDER>
cores = 0
extra-sandbox-paths =
max-jobs = 0
require-sigs = false
sandbox = false
sandbox-fallback = false
substituters = http://<BUILDER>:8080 ssh-ng://root@<BUILDER>
builders-use-substitutes = true
trusted-public-keys = <BUILDER>:snBDi/dGJICacgRUw4nauQ8KkSksAAAhCvPVr9OGTwk=
system-features = nixos-test benchmark big-parallel kvm
allowed-users = *
trusted-users = root

Copy paste the following configuration in the nix configuration file. Don't forget to replace <BUILDER> with the actual address of the builder!.

You can do it with one command. We take here the example where the builder in on node dahu-30.

sed -i 's/<BUILDER>/dahu-30/g' ~/.config/nix/nix.conf

Note that this configuration will not work the next time you log to Grid'5000 as the builder node would have been released. You can revert back to:

# ~/.config/nix/nix.conf
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
max-jobs = 64